Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello blogging world!

Well, we've finally done it! We set up this blog in hopes to get into the habit of writing yet not get too addicted-which I hear is quite easy to do. I (Steph) will probably be the most frequent blogger. I think I'm much better at putting my thoughts or stories in writing than telling them in person. I will fully admit I'm not an animated story teller who makes people amazed and awed by every word that comes out of my mouth. Shocker, I know.
Mikey seems to be pretty excited about this too; so he might just out-blog me, if there's such a thing. There's nothing super exciting going on tonight. I'm feeling rather blucky (yuky and bluck); so I've started a fire in the fireplace and am watching FRIENDS. Ahh. It's my laughter therapy :) Mikey is on shift until tomorrow and then gets five days off. Our favorite part of his shift rotation! So this note is just to say a BIG, warm hello to the bloggy world.


  1. I am one of the addicts. Good luck! I will be your first follower. Can't wait to hear from team Krupa. Be sure to update us on school stuff, fire stuff, random stuff, any stuff. We'll love it all. You guys are awesome and I am totally diggin' the background!

  2. Yippee you have a blog - our firefighter hero and firefighter heros wife!! I love the picture - you guys are just so adorable together!!

    And as far as the addiction....yeah, good luck with that!! If you like putting your thoughts and stories on "paper" you don't stand a chance!!

    From the hotel *sigh* with much love - xo
    PS Happy days off together!

  3. Woohoo! I am now officially cyber-stalking you :) found your blog from Jill's...can't wait to read more!

  4. Welcome to the addiction! Can't wait to see more!

  5. I'm looking forward to reading more. I started a blog earlier this year, but never wrote much. It was supposed to be a way for me to reflect on my job! haha Maybe I'll try again?
