Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Hunt and Hopefully...THE KILL!

So I (Steph) am THOROUGHLY p*ssed off! Today as I was putting away some pots and pans, I discovered mouse pills AGAIN! Let's set something straight from the start. This country girl does NOT do mice. I feel like my home and privacy have been violated. I find it personally insulting (pardon the drama).The audacity of the nasty critter!! Ugh. Last month, we had this same problem for the first time since we've lived in our quaint little apartment. We caught the fatty in the laundry room with a trap (sorry for your mice lovers. I'm really a kind person-lol). So we did major cleaning in our kitchen cabinets, dishes, etc. Mike and I both enjoy keeping a clean home. I can honestly say that. So... where is the evil critter getting in and why?How can anyone be a fan of something that invades your home just to poop EVERYWHERE in it? I would never do that. Neither should mice. I just know it's going to sneak up on my bed at night, when Mikey is on shift, and nibble my toes. I would FREAK! Ok, back to reality...

With that in mind, I'm finishing eating dinner and then heading to City Market to find mouse traps galore. The hunt is on, and the little nuisance is soon to be found! Just to help with any perspective I haven't made clear, if any of you know my husband well, he does NOT like snakes. He freaks out and can't handle seeing one, much less one LIVING in his home. His snake is my mouse. It's all I can do not to call 911 to get him and his guys over here to help me cope. Ok, not really but it describes how I feel!

Disclaimer: Due to pregnancy horomones, Steph's emotions might be a little outlandish/dramatic as she describes her honest thoughts... though her lack of tolerance for mice is very real. Real live mice will be harmed in the next 48 hours with as little violence as possible.


  1. You make me laugh. When we had Anna we had mice that you could hear running in the walls. We even saw one in the house once; I would have nightmares that the mouse would climb in Anna's crib. I blame that on Lady and the Tramp - the scene where the mouse turns the baby's crib upside down and Lady gets kicked out of the house. I am with you on the mouse thing.

  2. You go girl! I hate mice too. Try the sticky glue traps, they work really well. And good luck on the hunt.

  3. Sick 'em! I am so with you! They are nasty! Let me know if you require fire power...

  4. Ok... so first of all - I LOVE THIS SONG! You are so funny! I have been meaning to comment on this one and keep forgetting. I cannot STAND the sound of little clickety mice feet on a hardwood floor. I had that experience in college... and NEVER AGAIN. You get 'em girl! He picked the wrong pregnant lady to mess with during her very important nesting phase... Uh uh no way... the mouse is done for. :) Love you! Jen
