Thursday, April 23, 2009

A few "firsts"

The past few weeks, we've have had a few fun "firsts" I thought I'd share.

  • The first time feeling baby K move around! A couple weekends ago, I felt a "flutter" and paid attention, thinking it might or might not be gas,etc. Sure enough the feeling came back ever since. It feels like a big heartbeat here and there. It's such a fun feeling for the first time. I might be telling a different story in 4 months when the baby doesn't STOP moving, or so I hear :)

  • Our first ultrasound, seeing the baby! This past Monday, we had our first ultra sound. The nurse wasn't very friendly at first which was a real bummer for Mikey and I. In the end, she was a lot more people friendly. I had no clue how all this u-sound stuff worked, and she wasn't super friendly in cordially answering basic questions. HOWEVER...we did have a fun "get to know your baby" session, seeing it for the first time. It made this all more real for both of us seeing the little life growing inside my very own body. We got to see nose, lips, lots of spine, and a foot! We think baby K is a boy. He was curled in a ball for most of the apointment. So we go back in four weeks to get better profile pics. The nurse did think she saw a little "willy" in one pic. If it is a boy, this momma got her wish! I've always thought it would be fun to have a boy first. Having grown up with only brothers, I feel more at ease :) Hopefully we'll be able to scan the printed pics they gave us and post them soon.

  • The first time Mikey and I have been apart in a long time. This week Mikey has gone to a conference in WinterPark, Colorado. It's a fire education conference, which is right up the alley he loves to work in. He was on his 24 hr shift on Monday, left Tuesday, and gets home tomorrow! Being pregnant has brought a different feeling with him going 8 hours away for the first time for almost a week. He's great, though, with calling and texting. I love having my spouse as my best friend now. I've tried to keep busy and have gotten a lot of school work done, ahead of the game! Come on Friday

  • My first breastfeeding class: Let me say that lots of information all at once can be overwhelming to a first time mom! I was the baby "due date" of the group, but I'm all about learning what I can about this whole process even if I have several months to go (it's the teacher in me). I learned a few good techniques of latching on, how many dirty/wet diapers to know they're getting enough, creams that can help, and lots of "earthy" mommy info I didn't see as being practical at all (another soon-to-be blog posting for sure)! They did have great snacks, and it was nice to meet other prego moms who are at different phases of pregnancy. I'm learning to "filter" information, especially living in a heavily populated hippie culture, which is great for some women...not this girl though :)

There are our few new "firsts" from the past few weeks. I'm sure this year will be full of them!

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