Friday, February 6, 2009

Ahh..8th grade humor

Several weeks ago at the beginning of class, one of my eighth grade students (the quiet comedian) casually asked me: "Mrs. Krupa, did you ever see the movie 'Constipated'?" I replied with a "No, I haven't" (thinking it was some independent comedy I would've never seen). His reply: "That's because it never came out". Ha! Good stuff.
I had a good laugh and had to attempt to retell this joke. It was one I couldn't butcher too badly by retelling it incorrectly. I love my students! :)


  1. I told it to Mark and he fell for it! And we laughed. Of course we did, it was a joke about poop. Thanks for shariing :)

  2. Of course I meant sharing. It's going to drive me crazy that that was misspelled! Right Kristin?

  3. So Steph... I have to thank you for this super funny joke. This is my new favorite easy joke to remember. My old was... why don't cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny! Have a great weekend! -jen

  4. Love it - reminds me of Katrina's knock knock jokes...
    Knock knock...
    Who's there?
    Plate Who?
    Plate is what you eat dinner on! Get it? Ha, ha...

    No, I don't get them. But she thinks they're funny...
