Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Thanksgiving Treat

The week of Thanksgiving this year was quite a treat. Grandma Krupa from Michigan came to meet Kaiden! She usually comes during Christmas every year, but this year couldn't get off work and wanted to see Kaiden sooner rather than later. Kaiden is Grandma Krupa's first great-grandchild. We were waiting for her at Mike's parents' house the night she flew in. When she walked in and saw Kaiden, she cried. It was such a sweet moment.

Grandma Krupa is such a fun lady. She's never met a stranger and is one of the most talkative/friendliest ladies I've met. Recently she bought a laptop and has started emailing at the age of 70+! This trip Mike helped her learn how to send pics with an email and how to use her digital camera. So cute! We plan to webcam her soon so she can see Kaiden grow. We always enjoy when Grandma K comes to town, and someday in the next few years we hope to visit her in Michigan! We're very grateful for the wonderful great-grandparents Kaiden has on both sides of our family.

Here's dad, Great Grandma K, and Kaiden playing

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