Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A chill Halloween this year

Last year, a lot of our friends got together for a slammin' costume party for Halloween. Mikey and I made our own batman and catwoman costumes. They were p-retty sweet if I say so myself. We had great food and great fun!!

This year, life is a bit different. With having such a little guy, we didn't have the time or energy to make costumes or plan a party. Friday night we had a few (too many for our small house we found out) couples over to make home-made caramel apples and hang out. Saturday after we got home from helping with the DFRA candy booth at the mall (SO many cute kid costumes there!) Mikey and I made dinner, watched movies, and carved pumpkins at home. It was a super enjoyable chill evening with my little family. Funny how life changes, and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

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